Latent by Chandra Selene: Review


I am back after a brief hiatus with a review of a sparky urban fantasy YA from Evernight Teen. I recieved this galley in exchange for an honest review! Anyway on with the show.

SUMMARY TIME: All the girls at school hate Laila a boyfriend stealing man eater and Niecy is out to prove just how evil she is with the help of her friends. However things aren't what they seem and to be able to stop the evil going on in the school she might just have to work with the person she hates most.

This book really surprised me and I was not expecting to love it so much. It;s a fun adventure that mixes Edgar Cantero's Meddling Kids with Pretty Little Liars and Jennifers Body to create a super fun adventure you'll love.

The main thing that struck me about this book was how diverse it is. We have the whole gamut of LGBTQIA+ representation from trans leads to bisexual characters. I lvoe how this is presented throughout the book and it really made me enjoy it.

Finally I have to talk about the magic system in this book. Theyb use traditional magic and withcy stuff as well as mandalas which I thought was super unique. In fact everyone respects the magic so much  which I aboslutely loved and the fact our lead has to grow her magic rather than just walk in is such a good idea.

Overall I loved this book it's a really fun read that would be perfect to read by the beach!



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