The Oxfam Reading Challenge + Why I'm doing it


Heya everyone This week it's a different kind of post from me one of my old style ramble-y ones. This time it's all about the amazing Oxfam Reading Challenge, Why I'm doing it and why you should do it too!
What is the Oxfam reading challenge?
The Oxfam reading challenge is the charities very own reading challenge that runs over the course of a full year. One book per month. All you have to do is read a different second hand book each month that fulfills the prompts provided on the website. January's was Comfort Reads amd I chose the amazing Sarah Penner's The London Seance Society because her debut The Lost Apocathary was a total comfort read for me so she's a comfort author for me now! And boy was it worth it . 

Why am I doing it?
1. I love supporting a good cause and 2. because I want to broaden my reading horizons and 3. I want to be more sustainable and using second hand books is a great way to do this. Also all books I don't enjoy or don;t want to keep go straight to charity or my local little free library anyway, 

Did you do it last year?
Yes but I started late so this year will be my first full year of the challenge. Last year I read some corkers injcluding two amazing nonfiction works by elizabeth Day, Wanderers: A History of Women Walking and finally getting round to reading Middlegame by Seanan McGuire. I couldn't be more excited for this year!

Should i have a go?
Absolutely just get yourself some second hand books and take part it's really fun!

Hopefully that's answered any questions you might have and has encouraged you to maybe have a go yourself. Have you ever taken part in a reading challenge before? let me know in the comments below!



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