Sapphic reads to kick off Pride Month 2021

So Pride Month is finally here and I thought I'd start it off by looking at two fantastic sapphic reads. I have recently read a lot of sapphic fiction but these two really stick out. If you are confused by the word sapphic don't worry I have linked an explainer here from Lesbian with a laptop. The reason I have used Sapphic here is to describe womens attraction to other women. Sapphic is more inclusive to nb people. Everyone is welcome on my blog. always and I always stive to make it as accessible to everyone as possible. So thats why I have used Sapphic and I hope that helps. I just wanna let you know there are some really cool sapphic books out there that you may not have seen around. It used to be much harder to find books where you felt represented and here I am in 2021 a bisexual woman who can review awesome books full of representation whenever I want so thats very exciting! Anyway onto the books.

First one I want to talk about floored me. It hit hard and its amazing. 

Starling Days by Rowan Hisayo Buchanan

Starling days follows Mina, a married bisexual woman who is struggling with mental health issues. Firstly its so nice to see a bisexual character call herself bisexual. So many times bisexual characters never sday the b word and its really wierd. But here we are with a badass bisexual lady who is navigating the many twists and turns in life. She is an academic entranced by myths and the women in them and I loved her by the end of the book I didn't want to say goodbye to her at all. This book is totally one for fans of Hanya Yanaghira's epic A Little Life. There's a lot of similarities in them. Also on an aesthetic level that cover though. Totally reccomend!

and secondly 

The Rapture by Claire Mc Glasson
The Rapture follows the life of a cult in the 1920's and one of it's members the kind yet badly treated Dilys Barltrop. Dilys's life changes when she befriends the kind and beautiful Grace and suddenly the cult isn't all her life is anymore and things start to get more complicated than she's used to. Unlike most cult stories this is a cult run by women waiting to send the bishops to open a box they consider a holy object. The whole book is tense, beautifully written and wonderfully heartbreaking. An excellent read!

So there we go first post of pride month sorted. Let me know if you guys have any good Sapphic reccomendations in the comments!!



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