Pumpkin by Julie Murphy : a Review


Guys its another ARC and this one has been most anticipated. This book was sent to me by Harper 360 YA/BKMRK in exchange for an honest review. As usual I cannot be bought and my opinions are always honest (more info on this can be found in myContact +Policies section on the top of my blog.

Anyway with the technicalities out of the way lets talk about a book that everyone keeps tellign me about and that I amanged to get my grubby little hands on. Pumpkin the third and final Clover City book!

I wasn't fully ingratiated in the Clover City saga before this book. I knew of the film and the vague clips I've watched from the Netflix movie but that was it. However the cover and all the information leading up to this  from Harper and BKMRK led me to requesting it thinking I didn't have a hope in hell of getting it. And there it was the next week on my doorstep ready to read! Obviously I accidentally manifested it!

Anyway Pumpkin is all about Waylon Brewer a tall fat ginger gay kidwhos whole life has been tied to his twin sisted Clemmie. Waylon has his life all planned out until it turns out his sister has gone behind his back and everyone knows but him. You end up really rooting for Waylon and I found myself reading through this super quickly to make sure he was ok!

I'm gonna be honest I found the sheer levels of emotional manipulation with no consequences from Clemmie very irritating. She came across really badly. I felt myself begging Hannah to dump her if I'm honest. She kept going behind Waylon's back. She drove me nuts! Especially how the family and everyone seemed to side with her. Like jjez get it together lady!!

The other characters really saved it for me including Tucker who is such a well written character. I'll miss him too!

But luckily she didn't spoil what is a fun and breezy read. It's so lucky summer is popping up now because if I'm honest this book will be the ultimate Holiday read. Breezy fun and super inclusive I really found myself rooting for Waylon . I'm gonna miss him!



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