Blog tour: Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle


Hello all and welcome to my day on The Write Reads tour for Secrets of the Deep. I was given an e-copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Anyway with that out of the way read on for my review!
Plot time: Cordelia Blue has just found out that she is a mermaid there is just one problem with this. After her brother and mother were killed in a horrific shark attack she is terrified of water. However now she has discovered her origin and shark attacks are on the rise it is her job to try and stop the problem as best she can. Add in some romantic tension and Cordelia's life just got a hell of a lot more complicated.

This book really reminded me of H20 (just add water) and Aquamarine but for an older audience. I mean who didn't dream of waking up and becoming a mermaid. What I loved is how Noelle gave the mermaids such an interesting backstory and heritage. The whole idea that mermaids can bring dead humans back to life as mermaids is such a fascinating one.

Cordelia Blue was such a fascinating character with the coolest name I've ever read! I loved how she responded to the problems she faced as well as how she continued onwards despite the odds. I also loved her group of friends who worked so hard to help her.

Overall this book was a really fun read with some steamy romance thrown in as well. This would be a great book for romantasy fans who fancy looking at some other mythical creatures and lore.


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