Boundless: anthology review


Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I have an anthology review from the lovely folks at Harper 360 YA. As usual policies at the top I received this in exchange for an honest review.

Anyway with that out of the way let's move on to the review 

Boundless is an anthology of 20 voices celebrating multicultural and multiracial identities edited by Ismee Williams and Rebecca Balacrel. It is packed with a selection of amazing authors including Emiko Jean,Torey Maldanado and Randy Ribay.

Anthologies are often a risky strategy because they will always have stronger stories and weaker ones by definition. However I was pleasantly surprised that this one had no weak ones each story was punchy and with a real intensity.

My faviourite stories included the hilarious Mariachis Vs Bluegrass by Loriel Ryan, I Like to Be in America by Anika Fajardo and Confession by Erin Entrada Kelly. All of these stories showcase a different facet of the multicultural and multiracial experience. From being forced to confession to realising your value all of them are amazing stories that I wanted more of than their few short pages.

I loved this book for it's ability to be dipped in to. It would be great by the pool and as it contains so many different authors it also works as a showcase. I now have at least 10 authors I am looking forward to finding otu more about their work.

Overall this anthology is a fantastic selection of thought provoking stories. An amazing book full of diversity that you'll come back to again and again. 



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