Mechaniek: The King of Tartessos by JC Compton: Review


Hello and Welcome to Pride Month everybody and I am very lucky because today is my day on the blog tour for J.C Compton's Mechaniek: The King of Tartessos. A big thank you to the lovely people at Pride Book Tours for making this happen!
Plot Summary: In the husk of whats left of the planet the world of Mechaniek has sprung up. Arnau a young boy from the woods is brought to join the Mechanics academy. But what is happening with the kings? Why is there a rebellion coming out of the ranks? And most importantly why is his teacher the dishraced, Goram so attractive? Arnau will have to answer these questions to find out the secrets of his destiny. 

I'm not normally the biggest science fiction fan but this book took me in the minute I started reading. The setting is less Hunger Games than it is the community in The Giver and really reminded me of that book. The academy while perfect on the outside is seething with teenage angst, rebellion and intrigue.

The Monarchy as well is utterly fascinating yet rotted to the core. The closer you get to it the more messed up it seems to get. As the kings are faker than they seem. Everything about them seems to be a facade to hide their posessiveness. 

What holds this story of intrigue and rebellion together is the tender love story of an older student and his teacher. Arnau's crush on Goram is utterly adorable and I don't eant to spoil later in the story but it is pure gold.

Overall I loved this book and thought it was a real gem. Thank you to Pride book Tours for providing me with a copy and have an amazing pride month!



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