Extasia by Claire Legrand: A Review

Nothing says cosy night in than curling up in winter with a horror book. Thanks to the lovely people at Harper 360 YA I got to read this horror book early. As usual I got this proof in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Anyway let's jump straight into the beautifully bonechilling world of Extasia. Also as I loved this book so much I have decided to make a few graphics for it so theres some pictures and quotes from the book throughout this review!

four women holding a spell book in the woods. The text reads "We are Saints of Blood".

In an unfamilar and unforgiving land a newly appointed Saint decides tof ind take on evil incarnate to save her village and to do so puts everything on the line.  This is the premise of Claire Legrand's lyrical YA Horror Extasia. 

This book had me gripped at all times. The horror is powerful and absolutely brilliant and fits in the lineage of media that focuses on the horror of being a teenage girl. The book reads like if the VVitch met The Village and then met The Craft all with a deep dose of gothic horror. It reminds me of another similar book called Winterkill by Kate A Boorman and that is a complete compliment I assure you. One scene that had haunted me involves our Saint Amity and a spell summoning a book in a truly horrendous way that will remain in my conciousness forever.

A picture of a woman in black dancing in a sunflower field. the text says I am Saint I am Witch I am Rage

This book ponders what is evil throughout its many pages. One of the real questions is who is the devil and what does evil look like to those who are in hellish positions. What if evil isn't something big and scary with hooves and actually the regime you live in and those you fear and respect,

However through this there is also a truly beautfiul romance blossoming and a lot of lesbian romance which made me heart sing. I love a book that gives us sapphic witches and this book gave it to us in spades. It's beautifully written and really stands out amongst the gore and horror of the other parts of the book.

A picture of a hand with a plaster on it. the test reads I am powerful enough to fight the devil"

Overall this book kept me guessing at all times. It's twisty, timely and filled with moments thta will keep you up at night. The text is beautiful and so many quotes I know I will never forget! This is the perfect book for a spooky night in and I adored it. It really is the Season of the witch!



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