I AM OLD: or Happy 20th to me

movie: Harry Potter and The Philosphers Stone

So this week I was 20. Me, 20 I know right! the world has gone wrong, pigs are flying and all the demons in hell are wearing fuzzy jumpers. But I am 20 now and I feel thats time and a perfect prompt for another lifestyle tm post.

tumblr user: Melaniesdollhouse
This post is mainly just an update I guess. A life post more than anything else. under the cut is general thoughts and cute stuff.

Cute as heck birthday hot choc from Cafe Nero
So I spent some time with my mum which is always super nice, we got cute hot chocolate as seen above and went to dinner with the whole family. It was lovely. Really fun.

Thats all to report for now so here is some good old fashioned Aesthetic goodness.

Cute as hell tea from M&S guys. It's currently 3 for 2 and these badboys are only Ā£1 each.
Look at them though. They taste yummy as fuck and they look like Wes Anderson designed them. I am in love!!!!

Also have I told you how in love I am with Melanie Martinez's music video Sippy Cup. This thing is stunning though! You'll love it.
"Sippy Cup" still
And finally a film related thing!! Here is a gorgeous still from upcoming lesbian movie Carol!!! HELL YEAH

So thats me out guys!
See ya later mashed potaters!!!


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